Baka, life-long Son of the City of Atlanta, more specifically the town of Decatur, is making a lot of heads turn these days. Between producing 90 percent of The Nice Guise self-titled LP, doing tracks for MC's Dillon Mauer, DT of Clan Destined, and other Atlanta-based artists; mending a project with MC Catalyst of the Nice Guise and myself (takes bow), and working out another solo project, the man stays productive. Did I mention he also does an event by that exact phrase? Stay Productive at The 529 in the East Atlanta Village. Check that out as well.
Earlier this year, Baka released an LP entitled, "Decatur Dope". After a solid release locally, the album received praise from many of Atlanta's top Independent Artists. After that though, as some things do, word didn't spread as far as many had hoped.
This is where I come in. I am posting all media available via YouTube and Bandcamp that is currently available to you, the American Public at Large or rather, the handful of insomniacs and dragon chasers who actually read this blog. For starters, here: www.baka.bandcamp.com
When viewing the Bandcamp.com site, you'll notice that the LP isn't free. Listen to Gold Chain Suicide, A.I.D.S., Dope Money, or ANY of the other beats on that Bobby-Brown's-Criminal-Record-In-Length like play-list and tell em it's not worth at LEAST 10.00 bucks. 7 at the very least.
I'm not going to write a review of this album because I truly feel like you most likely have no idea who Baka is and I want you to trust me on this: Buy this album, sight unseen and sound unheard and get squinted with, someone I personally promise to you, will quickly become one of your favorite producers.
Last but not least, if you like what you hear, SPREAD THE WORD! Help Baka get the word out to people who can help this man get to where he truly deserves to be: Lying on a Kushopedic Mattress in a house filled with vinyl and women that he hires as furniture. Butt-Ass naked women.
So take this last snippet of a neck-breaking, speaker-fucking, sonic orgasm, head over to the bandcamp site, and help support a truly talented artist that deserves more than a nod and a handshake.
Last but not least, download the JPEG of the album cover at the top of this post and wheat paste it everywhere. Or just use it as your desktop background. Either way, put it to use and spread the word. Word
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