Thats the logo for a line of clothing and various other products my Homie No2Pencil is about to bring to the world. He's working to revive the economy and still have some money left over to lay on a table and stare at.
This prototype of the logo sticker is resting above the Honda Logo on his car that goes back in time and also competes in To-the-Death Car Death Matches. It's much akin to the Twisted Metal Franchise on Playstation. But more realistic, like Death Race. The important thing is that Carlos (that's the designs name) now has a home on a car and will be available to you, by way of sticker and T-Shirt form, very soon. Here's a shot of the T-Shirt on the above these words and a shot of the sticker underneath of them. Check out the website. It's under construction, currently, but soon enough it will be ready to bathe you in 1's and 0's so fresh you'll swear they're organic. www.GREYclothing.com

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