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Monday, November 30, 2009

The Washington Post loves weed

I've been reading the Washington Post for the majority of my adult life and one thing I can say about what I've read in the last ten days is this: The Post is secretly endorsing the legalization of marijuana, completely, without the term "medical" associated with it. Essentially, they're for getting rid of Pot Prohibition on a whole.

Don't believe me? Well, let's look at a few examples of the articles they published in the last fortnight. Let's start with the article that claims that the majority of older adults between 40-68 actually either smoke pot or don't find it dangerous. They are referred to as a "silent majority" (sound familiar?). Then there's the article on the front page of the Style section today called "School of Pot" that showcases a Medical Marijuana College in Michigan that actually teaches students how to properly grow and cook "killer dope" (their words, not mine). In that article they go on to explain how for $475 and six weeks of a persons time, they too can become a "caregiver" aka weed grower in Michigan, in accordance with state laws.

These are just two examples of the many articles published these last ten days or so. In my opinion, it sounds like the Post has chosen a side and hasn't declared it yet. Cryptic, yes, but at least they've got the balls to publish the articles.

What do you think this means? Could it be that one of the nations most recognizable publications went hippie? Are they taking money from The Marijuana Growers Associations of America? NORML? Cheech and Chong? Herald and Kumar? Who knows? What I think it means is the Washington Post and its writers and staffers know what it could mean if this stuff actually did get Green Lit to go legal. Pun intended. Oakland and their Measure F is showing the rest of the country that a hefty profit in new taxes is indeed a reality with their new 400k plus dollars weed tax revenue stream that was created less than a year ago. If the rest of the 13 states currently immune to Federal law got on board and taxed their pot sales too, we'd be talking about billions of dollars. If the entire country somehow wised up and made the God Plant legal, there would be no more recession. I'm not being dramatic. Do the numbers.

The Problem with MMA Judges

Without stealing too much thunder from the original article, I would like to add to it that I feel like the current problems that we have had with MMA judging is a very subjective issue. In the 3 fights that are most disputed in recent history, I feel that I am usually on the side of controversy. Shogun vs. Machida, I personally thought Machida out scored Shogun and won the fight fairly. Turn off the sound so Mike Goldberg and Joe Rogans one-sided commentary doesn't poison your mind and I feel that you will come to the same conclusion. Vera vs. Couture, I'm really not sure where the controversy is at all. Randy controlled the tempo of the fight, he stagnated Vera for three rounds, and thats all that matters. Yes, Vera hurt Randy a few times but that does not mean he out-scored him. As for Griffin vs. Ortiz, I do feel that Tito won that fight. In my opinion, UFC will always do something to ensure that Forrest Griffin is always available for a fight, however dumb the match-up may be.

So, here's the article from

What Life has offered me

Well blog, its high time we get things up to speed. In the last month and a half since my last post, I have failed to explain where I've been. In the winter months of last year, I moved from Atlanta to Northern Virginia. I work at a hotel. Front Desk. It's great people watching.

In addition to that, I formed a DJ crew called the Vinyl Villenz. We're four dj's/tablists that are all dedicated to the progression of scratch music and showing people what a real DJ should be like. In the almost 10 months I've been in VA we've done approximately 15 shows. Not a bad ratio. To my surprise, the DC metro area has been way more receptive to tablism than I thought it'd be. More than Atlanta in my humble opinion.

Other than those two things, work and my passions, I've done sweet sweet fuck all. That means nothing. Yay.