Yesterday, Prop 19, a proposed legislation that would legalize the growth, cultivation, consumption, and distribution for profit of Marijuana legal, was denied by a 54 to 46 percent vote. In one year alone, the tax revenue of the Marijuana bought and sold in that state alone could be in the billions. In a state where people can't even get their tax returns because the State is actually bankrupt, I thought this sounded like a great idea.
To my knowledge, the only person who actually spread the word about it at all was Comedian Doug Benson with his Pot the Vote Tour. Although that was done throughout the tale end of the summer and the vote wasn't until November 2nd I still commend the man for trying to get something done.
Now here's the rub: Prop 19 lost by a majority vote of 54 percent. 5 percent would have assured outright legalization and yet for some reason, Californian's couldn't make that extra push to get out and really vote it down into a land-slide. I mean, the numbers should have been more like 85 to 15 percent for Prop 19 if the honest, determined voters showed up to actually get the legislation passed. BUT NO! The margin was left so close, for all we know someone could have just BOUGHT the four percent that assured the majority vote. WHY and HOW could the vote have been so close?
It's a downright shame that this happened. I, for one, thought that was in the bag. I thought weed would have been legal, sure thing, easy money. I guess the Law and Order: SVU marathon they were running on the USA network that day really fucked things up, especially considering TNT was running a The Closer marathon concurrently. Yeah, I guess anytime people who can ACROSS THE BOARD AGREE THAT WEED SHOULD BE LEGAL STILL WON'T GET OUT TO VOTE TO MAKE SURE IT ACTUALLY FUCKING HAPPENS! SHAME TO YOU, CALIFORNIA! FUCKING SHAME!
You don't deserve your god damn tax returns.
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