For those of you who can't handle being around people you don't know, here's a bit of advice: Don't use inside jokes. I tend to listen to conversations when going to bars, parties, shows, etc. It's just a habit I have. Time and time again I've had to bear witness to the collapse of a nice, happy moment because some jack ass couldn't think of anything useful or meaningful to add to the conversation, so what does he do? He falls back on some joke that he and maybe one other person in the group has any knowledge of. The notoriously bad use of the inside joke just killed your conversation. Because now, some one else goes "what?" and you, being a complete fucking jack ass has to explain the joke. Then it doesn't get any laughs and you have to say the ever-dreaded "I guess you had to be there". Really? Well guess what? THAT'S NOT FUNNY! If you can't relate to the joke after the fact, it's not funny. You've ruined it. That moment we were all just sharing? Yeah, that's fucking GONE, buddy! Now you and the other person who knew the joke have to look at each other, embarrassed, head down, completely silent. Next time do us all a favor and just talk about how your cat's breath smells like cat breath. At least the rest of us will get a laugh. Fucking Jack Ass.
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