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Wednesday, June 8, 2011

A Letter to My Listeners

Well, it's been 4 whole months since my last post on this blog, proving once again that if there's anything to be taken away from it's author is this : I don't maintain shit very well.  That seems to be true across the board.  Alas, I still contribute when and how I can.  The podcast was going great for about a month.  Then it fell to shit.  Then a few weeks ago, I got the balls to do it by myself.  That sparked another new episode.  That has sparked writing this blog entry.  Funny how it's all interconnected like that, huh?

 One thing that I forgot that I loved doing is following the statistics for the show.  Ever since the shows 4th episode hit, we've averaged 67 listens every day via SoundCloud.  Sometimes it's more, sometimes it's less, but it tends to even out there.  That's JUST from SoundCloud listens.  That doesn't account for iTunes, as their data is impossible to correctly track and assess.  If it is, then I have no idea how to do it.  Probably an algorithm of some kind that I don't know.

We, in our short existence, have earned listeners in America, Canada, the UK, Germany, The Russian Federation, The Ukraine, and a few others I'm forgetting.  Even if it's just one per country, I'm very proud to have earned their time and I hope they were able to get something out of them.  We enjoy making them, so I hope they can get at least that amount of enjoyment from them.  Who knows?  Maybe no one even listens and it's all just a bunch of wasted time?  I dunno....

Even if it turns out that all I've done is talk to myself, over and over again, I love podcasting. I love being able to create something.  It's not only fun, but so very rewarding to put something out into the world and have people actually take the time out to absorb what you've done.  To each and every one of my listeners, I say "Thank You".  We are just barely, if not at all, worthy of your time and owe you a debt a gratitude for the rest of our lives.  Or until you stop listening to the show.  In which case, go fuck yourself.

With Love and Admiration,
Mike Sains


Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Tower of Sour Podcast

Hey there folks.  It's been a while, hasn't it?  Yeah, I have to admit that yet again, I took a multi-month hiatus from blogging.  The holidays were busy and as depressing as they usually are so that took it's toll.  Not for any particular reason other than the holidays seem to be more and more depressing as the years go by.  On top of that, the daily grind got to a brother and I just slacked off.  But then, THEN folks, I got a bit of inspiration on a vacation to my old stomping ground of Atlanta, Georgia.

I've always talked about wanted to do a podcast, as I am a huge podcaddict and overall audio nerd and I felt like it was worth the shot but I had no intention of dropping a bunch of money on gear to do it.  THEN, announced on their site that they would be considering entrants to participate in a beta test of their new RSS / Podcast program.  They would host the program for free and upgrade our accounts to a premium service that costs 500 Euros, so whats that?  Seven hundred dollars?  I have no idea.  Something embarrassing like that.  So, naturally I jumped on the change with a friend of mine in Atlanta named Mike Marlow and we wrote up our entry form and sent it off to become 0's and 1's in the UK somewhere.

A few days later we were accepted.  I tried not to jump up and down like a soft-ass bitch, but I couldn't help it.  I put on some Tiffany and a little bit of rouge and I went to town with my Boston Terrier, Jackson and my 16-year old Chocolate Lab, Rodney.  DOGGIE DANCE PARTY!  Not really though.  I basically just talked Mike's ear off about what we were gonna do now.  After a few blunders, I was required to buy a real microphone.  So I did.

Now we're up and running with one episode in the can, available for download and RSS subscription here