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Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Tower of Sour Podcast

Hey there folks.  It's been a while, hasn't it?  Yeah, I have to admit that yet again, I took a multi-month hiatus from blogging.  The holidays were busy and as depressing as they usually are so that took it's toll.  Not for any particular reason other than the holidays seem to be more and more depressing as the years go by.  On top of that, the daily grind got to a brother and I just slacked off.  But then, THEN folks, I got a bit of inspiration on a vacation to my old stomping ground of Atlanta, Georgia.

I've always talked about wanted to do a podcast, as I am a huge podcaddict and overall audio nerd and I felt like it was worth the shot but I had no intention of dropping a bunch of money on gear to do it.  THEN, announced on their site that they would be considering entrants to participate in a beta test of their new RSS / Podcast program.  They would host the program for free and upgrade our accounts to a premium service that costs 500 Euros, so whats that?  Seven hundred dollars?  I have no idea.  Something embarrassing like that.  So, naturally I jumped on the change with a friend of mine in Atlanta named Mike Marlow and we wrote up our entry form and sent it off to become 0's and 1's in the UK somewhere.

A few days later we were accepted.  I tried not to jump up and down like a soft-ass bitch, but I couldn't help it.  I put on some Tiffany and a little bit of rouge and I went to town with my Boston Terrier, Jackson and my 16-year old Chocolate Lab, Rodney.  DOGGIE DANCE PARTY!  Not really though.  I basically just talked Mike's ear off about what we were gonna do now.  After a few blunders, I was required to buy a real microphone.  So I did.

Now we're up and running with one episode in the can, available for download and RSS subscription here